A Division of Hawkspurr Productions
"We are unconventional - that's our specialty!"
"Vivaldi" for your personal enjoyment while surfing our pages...!"
Welcome Existing Clients
We are now able to manage our personal and corporate communications with optimum speed, by utilizing all manner of new applications and functionality at will, and enabling us to execute our marketing prowess and promotions campaigns strategies on many corporate levels in order to meet a high consumer demand. We can deliver our various industry related projects and products to the world with effective proficiency and economically friendly, thanks to the Internet and innovative digital technologies.
Over some decades, we have had the pleasure of reviewing and assessing many hundreds of fine works that proved to be of a high standard quality literature, able to project a multitude of imaginations and expressions of thought. Over the upcoming months and years, we shall be adding more published titles. We have plenty more projects waiting to be added to the listings on our https://gilbertliteraryagencyauthors.com pages; time permitting. Although not part of our normal standard services, I personally derive a lot of joy and gratification by creating our Author pages and utilize them on a rotating basis with a view to promotions and marketing their talents.
(Also Refer to our ‘About Our Authors’ categories – http://gilbertliteraryagencyauthors.com/category/about-our-authors/) We hope to be able to represent some of our best selling authors and their respective projects with film potential to the film sectors for consideration
Authors' Options and Choices on Offer
Many Authors in today's climate of the literary industry sectors are experiencing a deep sense of frustration, leaving them wondering why their books are not selling the volume they had anticipated. This phenomenon is not uncommon and continues to be on the increase to a greater degree as we move further into the 'new age of publishing' and the methodologies introduced, and as the restructuring of the literary industry in general has become the reality which we must all face and acknowledge. We believe we have the solution to your problem.
Marketing and Promotions
We also offer traditional representation for a wide range of quality literary works to Publishers with global reach, and serve our aspiring authors well by helping them in becoming successful published a uthors who may infuse some ‘new blood’ into the global publishing industry with their unique and special talents. “Just remember…It takes longer to write a book than it takes for it to be read.” We believe there is always room for more writers with colorful and unique writing styles and techniques, who will be able to offer a wider choice and range of compelling and innovative ideas and stories to our global readership. We endeavor to secure the right connections for every individual client with the appropriate sectors.
Our Available Services
We would like to extend our Services and make those available to all who may wish to make use of them. We charge no upfront fees for our comprehensive editorial services during representation of your work to suitable publishers. We specialize in all genres of literature in both Fiction and Non-Fiction categories. We provide our thorough assessments on all works of fiction including Children’s, Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, and Crime, Literary Fiction, General Fiction, Women’s Popular Fiction, Gay and Lesbian, Sci-Fi Fantasy/Horror, SciFi, Adult/Fantasy/Thriller, and non-fiction i.e. Autobiography, Life Story, Biographical, bibliographical, Short Story Collections of around 65,000 words minimum and upwards, Scientific, political, religious, spiritual, supernatural, theological genres, culinary, travel and photographic works/projects.
We offer proofreading and line editing services, in-depth manuscript assessments covering areas such ascharacterization, plot, settings, dialogue and style with a focus to working with Authors who may be in need of this service. This objective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of manuscripts will hopefully be able to assist improving work. We provide authors with constructive comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their work. In particular we offer novelists our professional screenplay adaptation services (Our specialty) where these may be sought after, we offer ghostwriting services, but we do charge a competitive and modest fee for both our screenwriting and ghostwriting services. Although we are a New Zealand based company we welcome submissions from all quarters, however our main focus is on international publishers and global distribution.
Film Production and Animation
We are in the process of promoting and offering representation for projects/works deemed suitable material for movie and live animation projects, TV Media production and Stage Production Performance projects on behalf of our clients to our contacts in Los Angeles, Canada, and film production auctions in the UK, where your intellectual property may be presented for evaluation by various film/publishers who take part in scheduled industry Auction
Note: Emailed manuscript submissions are preferred. The bulk of our clientele is comprised of international authors from the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Brazil, Western European countries, Asian and Middle Eastern continents, Australia and New Zealand. When submitting your work to our Agency, please ensure that your personal contact details are included (i.e. forwarding address, date of birth, home/work/ telephone/ Cell numbers.
Our Targets
On the main we target the services of offshore Publishers for our clients, availing the author's work to a wider readership. Many of our promising and aspiring authors are able to infuse their own unique stamp on the industry by offering a wealth of diverse talents in order to satisfy a multiple of genres sought after by an ever-growing and more discerning readership audience around the globe. We are pleased to be in a position to offer opportunities to writers and previously published authors as well, who have not been able to find satisfaction elsewhere. We are pleased to announce that we shall be reviewing numerous exciting new works over the ensuing years ahead, created by our many talented authors.
FILM CONTRACTS SECURED FOR 2016 WITH UK AND HOLLYWOOD BASED FILM PRODUCTION COMPANIES ARE: All our other Film Projects are listed on https://www.stage32.com/profile/22895/photos
"For tomorrow, next week, and our collective future strategies planned and hoped for - executed well above and beyond of what we are capable of; Let us today endeavor to meet its own demands and responsibilities which may bear down upon our collective shoulders. Owing to their trust imbibed in us, let us with positive actions and a discerning sense of conscientious labor assert our very best efforts forward on behalf of those whom we may represent. Generated and accomplished by a sense of wisdom and selfless interest, in that we may bear the brunt of our responsibilities with genuine honesty, a reflective deep sense of pride, and reverent sense of duty."
QUOTABLE SENTIMENTS By Emerantia Parnall-Gilbert
Copyright ©2011
Gilbert Literary & Film Agency
Emerantia Parnall-Gilbert (Owner)
Agency Founder: Michael Parnall-Gilbert Major (Ret.) OBE, MC, BADip.HMO
A Family-Friendly Oriented Enterprise
3859 Danseys Pass Road
Ranfurly Otago New Zealand
Email: hawkspurrproductions@gmail.com Or
Email us via our Contact Me Page - acquisitions@gilbertliteraryagency.com
Administration & Management Team Inquiries Contact: Emerantia Parnall-Gilbert (Owner)
Agency Founder: M.E. Parnall-Gilbert Major (Ret.) OBE, MC, Purple Heart, BA Dip.HM
Trooper's Webblog: Seizelifes Projects 2009
Submissions/Editorial Team Co-Ordinator:
Brenda Baker
Email Your Submissions to:
(0r use our CONTACT ME webform facility)
for film and Screenplay specific queries
Founded and Registered By New Zealand Books in Print Since 1990
We are Registered Members of International Literary Market PLace; WriterMarket.com; Writerswrite.com
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With Our Compliments!
Gilbert Literary & Film Agency Team
Otago, New Zealand
Gilbert Literary and Film Agency
A Family Friendly Oriented Based Enterprise *
Our Military Family Crest denotes a broken lance and translates from Celtic to“Peace is Pleasing!”

A Division of Hawkspurr Productions