Subsidiary of Hawkspurr Productions
New Zealand
General Writer’s Self-Promotional Package
Social Media Interaction
Authors today have the power. Consistent personal input and contributions to self promotions and marketing on social networking mediums is imperative once your book is in print. All Publishers expect the Author to provide additional effort in these areas to see those successful sales. throughout the course of their writing careers.
1. Get a new Yahoo email address or email server of your choice.
2. Get a professional head shot photo for promotions
3. Sign up on Amazon Connect – Amazon Central;
a. post your photo and bio;
b. create a profile on to coincide with existing Amazon Central account
c. add friends to network and share news
d. link to Facebook, Linkedin, Stage 32 and various other social networking sites, and invite your friends and new ones
4. Register at
a. Upload photo
b. Go to Settings and modify ‘shown’ profile info, and enable the settings so updates will the shown with your Yahoo connections
c. Upload your book and mark it as: I Own and My Favorite
d. Register as weRead author
e. Update bio
f. Add links to Amazon book page
g. Find your friends on weRead (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Facebook)...even invite friends. Be proactive and go out to seek others and drive this traffic back to this social network site.
h. Can syndicate Twitter by going into SETTINGS and clicking on the UPDATES tab. Enter your Twitter name & password
i. CHUCK AT FRIENDS – Email addresses and Imported Contacts can be added and this can be sent.
j. invite friends and new ones
k. Join Book Clubs – This is where you can find your targeting audience and direct them back to your site where your books are sold.
l. Complete profile by adding a book you are reading and a book you want to read. It’s all about being proactive.
m. Add weRead as an APPLICATION on Facebook. This will syndicate all updated status from weRead to Facebook...and you can present your books on your main Facebook page. * Do the same with MySpace* and Stage 32 (The latter being a site where all Agents, Publishers, Actors, Screenwriters,
Authors and Film Producer have registered and congregated, many of whom might just be interested in
what your particular work has to offer the entertainment industry in general).
n. See main page and snag the SIMILAR AUTHORS and then search them and their audiences. These will be your target audience too. Connect with these folks, introduce yourself, and indirectly drop the link to where YOUR book can be purchased.
o. Upload a chapter of the book.
p. Enter a feed from your site.
q. Daily add a status update into the TALK BOARD – Short info about yourself and your book.
a. Register for
b. Add bio
c. Add book
d. Claim authorship
e. Add NEW EVENTS you will be attending.
f. Add links from AROUND THE WEB including other social networks like Facebook, etc.
g. FIND LOCAL MEDIA EVENTS – Go in and request or search. These events will be your targeting physical promotions.
h. If you find an author with the same genre, connect and you may be able to tap into their their audience will also be yours. Will save you tons of work searching. The idea is to become friends, then send mutual requests.
i. Follow on Twitter
6. and
· Register for fReado – confirm identity through email
· Upload photo
· Add Bio
· Sign up for BookBuzzr as an author
· Upload book cover, add tags, video
· Go into your home page link and click on SHARE – Share your new widget with these many many high traffic sites.
· Share your main page with the social on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, etc.
· Social bookmark this page or ping it within the Search Engines.
· Set up auto tweets (Syndicates – need twitter info like username and password)
· Invite your friends to your page
· Once the first chapter has been loaded, market this bookbuzzr widget by clicking on the SHARE button.
· Register for Goodreads
· Add the book on bookshelf
· Add reviews
· Apply for Goodread’s Author Program (takes a few days to be accepted) - This page is part of Goodread’s database of books and authors and is separate from your member profile page (which lists your bookshelves and friends).
· Complete Author Profile once accepted by Goodreads
· To find and add ‘friends’/viewers/fans – go and search each mail and add (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, Facebook, Twitter. Lists or data base emails is a very useful technique to create massive exposure and further promote yourself and your books.
· Go into APPLICATIONS and syndicate your Facebook, Twitter and MySpace with Goodreads. This will save you tons of repetitive work as you’ll post one status and it will automatically loaded into all 4 heavily traveled social media sites.
· In APPLICATION, you can also syndicate Yahoo, Windows Live or Hotmail, and Friendfeed (must be registered in this social network site).
· Can also upload Goodreads into your iPhone
· If you have a Wordpress Blog, you can syndicate your posts to automatically be published on your homepage.
· Can add your Goodread’s widget into your blog html as a side-widget.
· Under BOOKLINKS, you can add all distributors (where your books are sold)
· If you do not have a Wordpress blog automatically syndicating into Goodreads, I recommend adding an article or post right on your homepage called START A BLOG.
· Can share your reviews of your latest releases, but first must add your Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace usernames and passwords to syndicate this information.
· It really helps to attract readers by uploading books (similar genre) onto your bookshelf, creating listopias/wishlists, adding reviews, go and joining groups who read your kind of books, contributing to discussions, and adding around 15 friends daily to build up your fan base.
· Regularly(bi-weekly) update your status -
Article promotion
1. Create 4-5 articles that link current news to content in your book
2. Upload your articles to the following popular sites:
"Climb Your Stairway to Success!" "From Print to Film....and yes YOU HAVE To Work for it!"
A Division of Hawkspurr Productions